These are some important things to consider in the successful use of a photo watermark:
- Use only one color in the watermark. This helps the viewer not to be distracted by the watermark.
- Make the watermark to be a simple one, especially if you would like to make it appear on the entire image.
- Let it be on one line at the corner of the photo.
Photopus Pro is a very good photo watermark software that can help to brand your photo. Photopus Pro is a new software that is gaining popularity, helping thousands of people to protect their works. With this software, you can:
- Automatically resize images
- Automatically rotate images to landscape or portrait.
- Automatically flip images horizontally or vertically
- Automatically crop images
In terms of image converting, Photopus Pro helps you to:
- Convert your images from one format to another. It supports more than 90 formats of images.
- Convert your images from RAW digital camera such as Sony, Kodak, Olympus, Nikon and Canon.
- Create multi-page TIFF or PDF from multi-page images
Photopus Pro can do all those things for you within seconds. It is the solution for all issues relating to photo watermark. Once you have added text to your photos you can set text font, align mode and back color. The textbox position can also be set relative to the corners of the image. The software combines efficiency and simplicity and makes you to enjoy the process of applying or creating a watermark many files in multiple directories. The software supports a mixture of drawings, graphic and text watermark of any complexity. The settings for multi-level transparency enable you to preview and choose how your photos are affected by the watermark. If you are busy, it also enables you to save your projects to be reused later. Therefore, it is a good software that can help in protecting your works.
Learn more about Photopus Pro at