Here are the step by step guide:
1. Click here to download and install Recordzilla Screen Recorder
2. Launch your browser and browse to the streaming video that you wish to record
3. Pause the streaming video and let it finish loading
4. Run Recordzilla from your desktop.
5. Click on 1. Region button
6. Select Custom Region option and click on Select Window
7. Switch back to your browser with the streaming video loaded. Move your mouse over the video until you get a red rectangle border frame surrounding the Video as follow:
8. Press F4 to confirm the selection
9. On Recordzilla, click on 2. Video button and select the output video format that you wish to use
10. Click on 3. Audio button. Under record audio from, Look for "Stereo Mix, Stereo, Loopback, Wave, Wave Out Mix, Record Master or All".
Windows Vista and Windows 7 users please refer to this guide
11. Click on 4. Output button and set Save File Manually.
12. Click on Record Now to start the video recording.
13. To stop a recording:
b) Left-click on the System Tray red icon
c) Right-click on the System Tray red icon and select Stop Recording...
d) Right-click on the System Tray red icon, show Recordzilla and click on Stop recording button
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